Monday, 9 November 2009

Rogation and Animal Blessing

Rogation and Blessing of the Animals, Quarley Village Hall

WELCOME to our service this afternoon. WE hope that you will enjoy this service, and that together we will be able to praise God for all the beauty of our world and the enjoyment that our pets and animals give us We ask that we will see clearly the responsibilities that we have towards animals in our care.
Order of Service
HYMN:         Let earth rejoice and heaven adore (Muriel Stammers)


Minister:     Heavenly Father, Creator of the Universe, we praise you for your goodness, love and mercy;
All:        We thank you, dear Lord.
Minister:     Creator of the world, You give us life and breath;
All:        We thank you, dear Lord.
Minister:     As Preserver of all life, You sustain us day by day;
All:        We thank you, dear Lord.
Minister:     As Redeemer of mankind, You show forth your love in Christ;
All:        We thank you, dear Lord.
Minister:     So in Christ we join with creation to praise, to worship and adore;
All:        Heaven and earth are full of Your glory. Praise be to you, O Lord most high. AMEN.

The Reading     Isaiah 11.1—9

My Pet...

HYMN:         O teach us, Dear Father, Creator of all (Carol Williams)

The Address

HYMN:     PRAYER OF ST FRANCIS -- Make me a channel of your peace (Sebastian Temple)

All:        We praise You, Heavenly Father, for all the animals which are Your creatures. We thank You especially for our pets. May we never be unkind to them, but always treat them with gentle hands and kindly words. For the sake of Him who loved all helpless things, Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

From 'A Litany for Animals':

Leader:        We praise You for the creation of the world and all living creatures in the earth, sky and sea.

All:        We are thankful, O God.
Leader:        For the gentle eyes of the deer, the friendship of dogs, the purr of cats, the strength of bears, the beauty of a hippo, the humour of chimps, the intelligence of gorillas, the grace of dolphins, and the magnificence of whales. Help us to keep them safe.
All:        We are thankful, O God.
Leader:        Give us a voice to speak in protest when any of Your beloved creatures are treated cruelly. Help us to be advocates for those who cannot speak for themselves.
All:        Give us speech, O God.
Leader:        In this world so full of violence and unkindness, let us act in a gentle way towards all Your creatures. A simple stroke on a dog's head, a scratch on a cat's chin, food for birds in winter.
All:        Help us to be gentle, O God.
Help us to lessen the suffering of Your creatures, O God. Hasten the coming of Your kingdom when the sun will shine on all Your creation living in peace and love.
All:        Lord, we thank You for St Francis, for his love for You, for his love for all that You have made, for his care for the sick and the sad. Help us to follow in his steps, so that we may enter into Your glorious kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.
The Lord's Prayer
The Blessing of the Animals
All:        May Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, bless these animals, protect them from all cruelty and grant them with us a share in the redemption of Your creation. Amen.
HYMN:        Creator on high, we sing to Your praise (Mark Bishop)
The Blessing
Minister:    Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
All:        In the name of Christ. Amen.

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