Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival
– Amport Grateley Monxton and Quarley


A Liturgy of Thanksgiving

The earth is the Lord's and everything In It; the world and all who live In It.
Let us bless the Lord, Forget not all his benefits.

He founded it upon the seas and established It upon the waters.
Let us bless the Lord, Forget not all his benefits.

He spoke, and it came to be; he commanded and It stood.
Let us bless the Lord, Forget not all his benefits.

Prayer of Confession

Brothers and sisters, In the presence of the God of glory, we need to confess our true human condition.
In the light of Christ's self giving life, His way of the Cross, we see the darkness In our lives.
(Silence as we reflect on our lives.)

As we think of the evil and oppression In the world, of which we are a part, We need to repent together with out brothers and sisters.

(Silence as we reflect on our need for repentance.)

As members of a people called to follow Christ, and alive in his new righteousness, we need to repent for the evil In the church's life.

(Silence as we reflect on the life of the church.)


The Saviour of the world, the refuge of the penitent,
Forgives and strengthens all who truly seek his grace.
He accepts you as his sons and daughters,
And sets you free from the bondage of your past.
For Christ died and rose to new life that we might all
share his wholeness and abundant life. Amen.






The Creed

We believe and trust In God the Father who made the world
We believe and trust in his Son Jesus Christ, who redeemed mankind,
We believe and trust in his Holy Spirit, who gives life to the people of God. We believe and trust In one God:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen

Prayers of Intercession

Lord, hear your servants and bless and protect us.

Merciful Lord, hear our prayer.

God, feed us with rains and good seasons.

Merciful Lord, hear. our prayer.

Bless all the works of farmers.
Merciful Lord, hear our prayer.

God, bless the seeds which we sow, that they would grow and yield a plentiful harvest at the right time.
Merciful Lord, hear our prayer.

Please give us your grace in protecting our animals.
Merciful Lord, hear our prayer.

And give us hearts that are thankful for all you have given us.
Merciful Lord, hear our prayer.
Please give to the people who are hungry and have nothing.
Merciful Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, give us good hearts to glorify your name by doing good things for others.
Merciful Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, you lead your households In the Holy Spirit so that they may serve you In truthful and cheerful ways.
Merciful Lord, hear our prayer.

Your church serves you with godliness and the church should be a light for your people. Make them shine with your word.
Merciful Lord, hear our prayer.

We remember (hose who live in lands of drought or flood, Whose harvest is Inadequate or non-existent.

Today they sow in tears: may they soon reap with shouts of joy.

We remember those whose water supply Is polluted, by negligence or need, Those to whom water brings disease, poisoning or radiation - the curse of death rather than the gift of life.
Today they sow in tears: may they soon reap with shouts of joy.
We remember ourselves, our waste of water, our profligacy with the fruits of the earth, our unwillingness to be bound together as one with our brothers and sisters throughout the world.
May we learn to share their tears: that soon we may all reap with shouts of joy.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the abundant harvest that you continually bestow upon us. We pray that we who have plenty, may share with those who have nothing. We who have resources and wealth, may share with those who are poor and hungry. Hasten the time when there will be no discrimination and your justice and peace will rule the world. Amen.

Our Father, who art in heaven …

A Prayer, of Commitment

Give us, O Lord, churches that will be more courageous than cautious; that will not merely 'comfort the afflicted' but 'afflict the comfortable'; that will not only love the world but also demand justice; that will not remain, silent when people are calling for a voice; that will, not pass by on the other side when wounded humanity is waiting to be healed; that will not only call us to worship but also send us out to witness; that will follow Christ even when the way points to a cross. To this end we offer ourselves In the name of him who loved us and gave himself for us.



Sources: USPG Harvest Appeal booklet-

Thanksgiving: Jessie Anand, prIest from India who Is working in Leicester with USPG's Come Over and Help Us programme

Confession / Absolution: Church of South India

Intercession: Prayer from South India, translated by Sister Kasthuri Manlckam, Clare Amos/Partners In Learning

Commitment: Christian Conference of Asia

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