Online Papers

We have on-line papers from our previous discussions for you to read. Clicking
on a paper will open it in a new window. Most are in Acrobat 'pdf' format.

On-line Papers
Report on Assistant Clergy Meeting Open report of consultation on Assistant Clergy.
Assistant Clergy Open paper exploring the context in which assistant clergy serve.
Creation Worship Open link page to samples of special Creation Services provided by members.
Mega-Parish Ministry Consultation Open paper on Ministry in Mega-Parish (6+) Benefices.
Sustaining the Rural Spirit Discussion papers on George Herbert, Gilbert White and the Book of Common Prayer.
Multi-parish Benefices How two 9-11 parish benefices in Hampshire are organised.
Non-Stipendiary Ministers Does the Church really value its ordained voluntary ministers?
The Parish System Do parishes have a future in the 21st century?
Pastoral Reorganisation What is the theology of reorganisation?
Rural Churchyard The Rural Churchyard as a Parable of Planning
Rural Church Subsidises Urban Analysis of Parish Share in Winchester Diocese.