Saturday, 3 November 2012

How is rural different? A personal response ....

Rural Ministry

It feels to me as if the distinctive qualities of rural ministry are clear when you are looking through binoculars but similarities are found when you examine or compare under a microscope. It is about ‘knowing your place’......

What are the ’Binocular’ (distance) distinctive qualities associated with Rural Ministry (or Rural Descriptiveness)?

1. Geographical

By the very nature of the definition of the word rural our understanding is that it is not urban (town, city, built up area). It involves hills and valleys, fields and pasture, which are not the domain of urban areas.

2. Environmental

Rural ministry happens in areas that range from conservation areas, areas of outstanding natural beauty to places on urban edges. Some rural parishes share boundaries with built up areas. There are country footpaths, by ways open to all traffic and bridle paths inside the parish/benefice boundaries.
Footpaths in the main are not tarmacked, farm vehicles are regular road users

3. Social

Even though villages may attractive those who can afford houses over £300,000 there is a sense of community that is not class dependant, with a shared understanding of the boundaries of the place (village, hamlet or settlement). This means there is a collective aspect to and a sense of belonging to the church or ministry that takes place.

4. Physical

There is a given understanding of the corporeal (earthy) with foundations of agriculture (there is a season) and farming (animals) as well as the ‘hunting, shooting and fishing’ part of rural life.

5. Emotional

The rural life evokes strong feelings amongst village dwellers that those who move in can tap into. A sense of ‘Our’ village is very real and it is reinforced by geographical boundaries which may have very strong historical significance although people dwelling in the village may be unaware of this (e.g. Villages who supported the roundheads or cavaliers) Traditional fetes and carnival events would have tested the strength of men (tug of war) on which the village pride would rise or fall.

6. Biological/Organic

The village population takes in those ‘old villagers’, 2 or 3 generations of a family, a family where a couple of siblings would be living in close proximity as well as those who have bought into the village or rural mentality – desiring a home in the country, a village school for their children, a house out of a town by close enough to public transport to enable them to commute. Those who wish to live out the dream of the rural idyll. 

What are the ‘Under the Microscope’ distinctive qualities about Rural Ministry?

1. Geographical

The parish (or Benefice) boundary limits the number of souls. within the care of the parish priest. The ‘place’ The distinctive boundary, which is ancient defines the area and the people. by the welcome for all at the parish church.

2. Environmental

Environmental issues involve change of land/farm use/buildings, homes that housed 3 families now house one. This suggests a change in the nature of a place and the holding of both traditional and modern

3. Social

The make –up of committees including PPCs offer a cross section of the church going population. At events like church fetes other organisations will offer to help know that this will be reciprocated at other events. The church Fete, or the church bazaar or the church jumble sale is an event at which church going and non-church going people help and attend. It is part of village life, for the benefit of all.

4. Physical

There is an understanding amongst the people of the routine of the farming year. Harvest celebrations begin when our farmers have finished harvesting, literally, when the crops are gathered in. There is a greater exposure to life and death: along the road side (rats and pheasants), in the church yard, hearses driving along the main road through a village, new babies are perambulated and children young (at Mothers and Toddlers) and older (at the Village School) are recognised. The community ‘gathers’ as it faces new life and death of those they know

5. Emotional

The sense of belonging translates into our church and church yard – the return of ‘the young’ for weddings or baptisms across the social strata is evident and popular. The banns calling reinforces a kind of “here I was born, baptised and confirmed (for some) – it is here I wish to be married” This is the place of my roots. It is from here I came, this is the platform from which I can move on”

6. Biological/Organic

Those who buy into the rural idyll and those who are born can sense both a past rootedness but also a willingness to move forward. House ownership, rebuilds, new housing, conservatories(!) have become more widely available. People still see baptism as a rite of passage. 

A. Identity—Where do I belong? To whom do I belong?

Rural ministry promotes a sense of belonging to the community of which the church is a part. The village sees the church as its own, calls to the priest because he/she is part of the community – as if it is their right. The church yard belongs to the community. The support for and financial commitment to the church far out does that of urban parishes.

B. Spiritual

The church building is primarily a place to pray and worship. It is in Eliot’s words ‘a place where prayer has been valid’. It is a place where we can weep with those who weep and be filled with joy with those who celebrate and give thanks. Somehow in rural areas the sheep and shepherd are within the community’s understanding. Even though they may not be there physically, they are there in the community’s memory.

C. Pastoral

It is with great humility, a mixture of joy and sadness that a priest ministers to those in his/her care. To witness life and death is integral to the nature of village life. This can be done effectively to a population of under 2000, it is impossible to offer this kind of pastoral support to 20,000.

On a personal note in rural ministry there is immense joy in recognising ‘the boy in the man I am seeing before me ’. I want our children to know about the love of God because they know the love of the church – clergy and people. I want them to feel they are valued because they see and know we care.

D. Underground Current of Care

The subterranean care for and understanding of community is there and very often unnoticed. Neighbourly care and concern often appears to go unnoticed. People in rural parishes know that they do not have access to all that urban folk have so they are keen to check if their neighbours are ok.

E. The Disaffected

Those who choose the rural idyll like their wellies but are unhappy about them getting too mucky! Some ‘hedge fund’ new housing comes with barrier gates which shouts ‘I’m the king of my castle and keep out.’

The Rural Church can offer a great deal to the urban church

  • It can open up the depth of pastoral experience where illness, tragedy or death means re-shaping the boundaries of relationships within a community
  • It can demonstrate the love for or appreciation of a church within a community whether a church goer or not
  • It can generate a welcome that could be missing in a gathered church
  • It can show a willingness to be generous financially and not just if you are a member.
  • It has a lot to offer if we take seriously the words from the BCP HC
i) YE that do truly and earnestly repent you of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbours, and intend to lead a new life,

ii) Whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? 1 S. John 3
The Revd Dodie Marsden 31 October 2012

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